今天是在伊斯坦堡的最後一天,預計要搭半夜的飛機,白天趕緊出門走走。因為第一天拿的地圖已經翻爛了,出發前想再和飯店櫃檯要地圖,一大早有許多客人在櫃檯洽詢,結果服務人員竟然說要5TL,我們甚是驚訝,蛤蛤蛤????因為第一天和櫃台要地圖時沒有收錢啊!結果大概是很多人等著洽詢,櫃台人員最後直接免費給我們一份,哈哈!YA! 原來是要用錢買的,難怪櫃台沒有把地圖放在可以自由拿取的地方。今天和交大同仁Claire一起同行。相約在塔克辛廣場集合,搭捷運出發。
準備進入聖索菲亞大教堂 Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya, 360-532) (摘錄自飯店索取之伊斯坦堡官方地圖)
Hagia Sophia is one of the magnificent masterpieces of world architectural history. It was originally built as a church. The construction began during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine I. This structure with the basilica plan and a wooden roof was burned down due to a riot and no remains survived. A second church was ordered by Theodosius II and was inaugurated in 415. However the second church was also burned down to the groud during Nika Revlot in 532. Emperor Justinian I (527-565) took a decision to build a larger church than the first two Hagia Sophias and commissioned the third and current Hagia Sophia to lsidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles. From an architectural viewpoint, it is made up of a vast interior, two naves, an apse, interior and exterior narthexes. The interior area has the measures of 100× 70 m. It is covered with a dome that has a diameter of 30.31 m and 55 m of height. Mehmed II, the Conqueror creatd various pious foundations with the aim of ensuring revenue and constructed a mihrab, minaret and madrasah. After the conquest he performed the Friday prayer here. Hagia Sophia was changed into a museum in 1934 and opened to the public on February 1st, 1935. Hagia Sophia presently functions as a museum.
看完教堂後,又到了美麗的廣場 Sultanahmet Square
11:00多接著步行到附近的"地下水宮殿" Basilica Cistern (527)
The cistern was built in 6th c. by Roman Emperor Justinian in order to provide water for the city. This cistern is an underground chamber of 143 m by 65 m. the ceiling, which cover 9800 m2, is being carried by 336 marble columns each 9 m high. The capitals of the columns are mainly Ionic and Corinthian styles, with the exception of a few Doric styles with no engraving.
The bases of two of the columns reuse earlier blocks carved with the head of a Medusa. They are located in the northwest corner of the cistern. The origin of the two heads in unknown, thought it is rumored that the heads were brought to the cistern, in order to protect it from evil. According to legend she was one of three gorgons, a female monster; gazing upon her would turn onlookers to stone. The cracks and the columns were repaired in 1968. Having been restored in 1985 by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, the cistern was once again opened to the public in 1987.
Claire"那你怎麼都知道怎麼走,好像有來過哩!" 呵呵~就看地圖走囉!!
但Claire因為想到早上忘記辦check out了,匆匆參觀完後,我們就趕緊回飯店,先去塔克辛廣場找了間飲料店,我和Flora在裡面休息,Claire回飯店check out。 17:00多Claire回到飲料店,還好飯店還不錯,沒有多收Claire費用,接著Claire和Flora決定再去逛獨立大道,我的腳已經痠到不行,決定回飯店休息,Claire還把她的旅遊書借我,讓我回飯店可以看看,再請Claire她們逛完回來再幫我買個沙威瑪和一份淡菜飯。
回到飯店後坐在半露天的椅子,看著外面人來人往的行李,也是很棒!更棒的是雖然我們已經check out,但無線網路帳號還是可以用,所以一點也不會無聊!:)
土耳其感覺是個很值得去看看的地方,不知道以後是否還有機會專程去土耳其旅行呢? :)